City of Laredo Landfill

The City of Laredo Solid Waste Services encourages to use the landfill when disposing large amounts of waste.
Documents accepted as proof of residency:
• Valid Texas Driver’s License
• Current water bill with the same address as your ID
Landfill Hours of Operation:
Monday through Saturday  | 8am - 5pm

Landfill opens as long as weather permits. The landfill may be subject to closure to the public on rainy days or inclement weather. Please call in advance, in such cases.

Pick-up trucks hauling a trailer must enter the landfill 30 minutes before closing. 18 Wheelers must enter the landfill before 2:30 p.m.

Customer Service

Trash Pickup                     (956) 796-1098
Landfill                              (956) 795-2515
Administration                 (956) 795-2510
Customer Service Fax     (956) 795-1860
Administration Fax          (956) 796-1105
Address                            6912 HWY 359

City of Laredo Landfill
2 miles East of the Intersection of HWY 359 & Loop 20 on Hwy 359

Fire Station # 9
11700 Mines Rd.

Department of Public Works
5512 Daugherty

ONLY residential used motor oil is accepted.

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